Getting Started – Step by Step Guide

For all Souls interested in our Sacred Mystery School & Life Mastery Teachings, whether you are new to our work and new to the Spiritual Path or you are highly advanced and have been connected to our teachings for years, we advise the following step by step guide to assist you with the next steps on your Spiritual Path.

Step 1 – Enroll in the Free ‘Divine Light Academy Introductory Course’

This course introduces you to Opheana & Sikaal & studying at the Divine Light Academy and covers many subjects for all those on the Spiritual Path. The Divine Light Academy Introductory Course also includes: ~ Level 1 Starseed Activation ~ Centering Attunement ~ Full 12 Chakra/Energy Body Clearing-Realignment ~ Channeling from the Support Teams about your Starseed/Lightworker Mission.

Enroll in the Free ‘Divine Light Academy Introductory Course’ Now
Check out the ‘Divine Light Academy Introductory Course’ Curriculum

Step 2 – Enroll in the ‘Sacred Mystery School Fundamentals’ Course & Review the Divine Light Academy Courses

For all Souls on the Spiritual Path, we advise enrolling in the

‘Sacred Mystery School Fundamentals’ course.

This course combines two powerful & highly fundamental courses for all those on the Spiritual Path, including Starseeds, Lightworkers, Empaths, Telepaths, Healers, Channelers, Life Coaches and Practitioners:

‘Setting Up Your Energetic Space for Channeling, Healing & Meditation’ and ‘Energy Clearing, Healing & Protection – Advanced’.

These courses form the deep & elemental foundations for many of the other Divine Light Academy courses for both Sacred Mystery School & Life Mastery Teachings. They also form the basis for the further advancement and quickening of your Spiritual Journey and the unfolding and grounding of your Multidimensional Gifts. Review these courses and check in with your Spirit and Support Teams to receive further Guidance as to which course(s) are aligned to the next steps of your Life & Mission.

Enroll in ‘Sacred Mystery School Fundamentals’: Single Payment or Enroll in ‘Sacred Mystery School Fundamentals’: 10 Monthly Payments
Check out the ‘Sacred Mystery School Fundamentals’ Curriculum
Review the Divine Light Academy courses

Step 3 – Review All Available Resources & Follow Your Guidance

Allow your Spirit & Support Teams to guide you through all of the available Resources, so you can align with and create your Highest Potential Timeline with grace, ease & empowerment.

Meditation Library:

Check out hundreds of hours of Channeled Guided Meditations with the Ascended Masters, Archangels & Cosmic Connections

Channeled Spiritual Messages:

Connect with hundreds of hours of Channeled Spiritual Messages, including Galactic Channelings, Ascension Information & Spiritual Living Teachings

Channeled Readings:

Get your Ascension Consciousness Reading & Energy Body Reading done

Ascension Manuals:

Download the Ascension & Energy Management Manual and the EFT Tapping Manual

Social Media & Websites:

Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages and visit our other websites

New Earth Vegan:

Watch the recommended movies, videos & online resources to assist you to become a New Earth Vegan

Divine Light Blog:

Read our latest sharings


These Frequently Asked Questions can assist you with further answers & insights

Further Resources
Enroll in the free Divine Light Academy Introductory Course
Enroll in the Sacred Mystery School Fundamentals Course

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